All flows from the Eucharist — and back to the Eucharist

As an update for everyone, tomorrow, April 28th, I will be instituted as an Acolyte.  The primary duties of an acolyte highly focus around ministry of the Most Holy Eucharist.  With this we are entrusted with assisting with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Mass as well as the purification of vessels afterward.  Lastly, and a very revered duty, is to bring the Eucharist to the people that are sick or homebound.  This is just a small step in the advancement in discernment of Priesthood.  This small step leads to the following reflection:
I’ve heard a lot of vocation stories.  Almost every brother seminarian’s story I’ve heard.  All of them have one thing in common, without exception.  As a man draws closer to the realization of his vocation, given to him by God, it is preceded by a strong attraction and love for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord present in the Eucharist.  This is the case for myself and many of my other brothers.  Though in my particular walk of life I am discerning a call to the sacred Priesthood, the focus I want to give is more upon what the Second Vatican Council titled the “Universal Call to Holiness.”

This in itself was not a fabrication of the Second Vatican Council, but was a fresh presentation that showed something that had been long neglected in the faith of so many Catholics.  It’s beautiful to see the holy old ladies at Mass everyday… and contrary to popular belief it is not because they get up “too early” or having nothing else to do with their day… But its because they recognize something in age and wisdom that a majority of Catholic fail to recognize.  That is the presence and the power of the Holy Eucharist.  This principle is what makes us Catholic, and is the greatest tragedy of all of the Protestant Reformation.  They are not offered what is so essential for life.   “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” (John 6:56 NAB-A)  Sadly those who have fallen away from the Catholic Church are also deprived of that which is essential to our life that is transformed by grace received in the worthy reception of the Most Holy Eucharist.

So thus it is only appropriate that our ENTIRE life as Catholics flows from the Eucharist and back to the Eucharist.  And as Americans with the strongest flaws of some type of cultural ADD, the attendance of daily Mass becomes much more important.  I’ve worked in various degrees of ministry (including youth groups, CCD, youth camps etc.)  One of the strongest characteristics I’ve seen is that those that are Eucharist-Centric (think literally in rotation around and drawn toward the Eucharist) produce the most fruit.  This visible sign of this fruit is vocations.  (Not just priest and nuns but also Holy and Fruitful marriages).

It should go without saying then, that the most surefire way to grow in holiness is the frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.  To do so worthily from this would come forth the frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance.   The more we receive the Lord the more we want to be with him, and thus we are drawn into his presence in giving of ourselves in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  This allows the full substantial presence of Christ (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) to radiate forth to our whole being as we sit in front of him adorned in a monstrance that seems so feeble and lacking; only being made of diamonds, rubies and gold; yet containing the body of the Lord of Heaven and Earth who made us all; and in his love redeemed us all.   Here is where we need to be drawn.  And the more we as Catholics fall deeper into love with the Eucharist, the more attractive we will be to those seeking life and truth.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us!

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Author: Fr. Joseph Sund
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Mary Jo

This is beautiful Joe, and oh so true, the most precious gift that he gives us to know Him more and reflect on what He has left us to take part in his Life, death and resurrection, through this precious sacrament. Fr Raphael resonates so much a respectful and divine presence of the Eucharist whenever he does Mass, I have carried that with me. In His precious Body and Blood is our Love, healing and strength for this life we live and this world we live in, let us take that Love to the world. God Bless you in your… Read more »

Marcia Mousey

Joey, Loved your first Homily. It was so beautiful but so true. You are going to make a great Deacon & become the best Priest ever!!! Love you, Aunt Mousey & UncleBill.