Category: How To’s

These are technology How Tos. These are often related to faith matters, but can sometimes be completely random.

Lock the Phone Up — (Night Time Charging Stations)

Phones should not go in the bedroom.   It’s a good practice to keep.  This is a rule I often counsel high school students. Leave the phone in the kitchen.   It is good for parents to lead by example as well.   I understand that there are exception. (perhaps…

Children and Unfiltered Cell Phones

In conversations with many parents who take the discipline of their children seriously, I have been amazed in conversation to hear often that their child has untethered access to the internet. Many parents feel overwhelmed and under-equipped. Their children badgered them until they couldn’t take it anymore. But now that…

“But Mom… I NEED an iPhone”

Odds are as a parent you have heard this line. Maybe you have given in…. or maybe your child is that prehistoric weirdo still using the Nokia 3310. Here’s the thing. You can win this fight. In fact; mentally, academically, socially and spiritually; your child will be better off if…